Tjark de Lange joins Board of Directors HTRI
Tjark de Lange, the director and owner of Kapp Nederland B.V., officially joined the Board of Directors of Heat Transfer Research Inc. (HTRI) as of August 1, 2023. While it might be unnecessary to explain the purpose and activities of HTRI, let’s briefly provide an overview. HTRI is globally recognized as the leading authority in the field of industrial heat exchanger calculations and thermal process design simulation software, supported by advanced research and testing facilities.
For more than two decades, Kapp Nederland has utilized HTRI for calculating heat exchangers in industrial applications, and HTRI has been a crucial partner for Kapp, offering valuable insights into thermal challenges as an independent organization.
The advancement of innovative solutions and technology in heat transfer is poised to make a significant contribution to achieving worldwide climate goals, and HTRI’s knowledge and expertise are indispensable for this endeavour. Tjark eagerly anticipates contributing to HTRI’s success in his new role, brimming with enthusiasm.
At Kapp Nederland B.V., we firmly believe that Tjark’s involvement will be a valuable addition to the HTRI Board of Directors, and we extend our best wishes to him as he takes on this new responsibility.