Kapp 25 years!
2022 marks Kapp’s anniversary. It was on the 1st of April 1997 when Tjark de Lange and his then business partner first opened the doors of Kapp in Spijkenisse. Soon after, they moved to the old city centre of Dordrecht, eventually settling at the Dordtse Veerplaat 102, our current location. Tjark is still at the helm of the organisation, which has grown into a heat transfer specialist with 14 passionate colleagues. Today, Friday 1 April 2022 (no joke), Kapp exists exactly 25 years! The photos take you on a journey through time.
![2003 Jan and Reinier are still on Kapps paylist today 2](https://www.kapp.nl/app/uploads/2022/04/2003-Jan-and-Reinier-are-still-on-Kapps-paylist-today-2-1800x941.png)
![2004 Custom made heat exchangers with cows 2](https://www.kapp.nl/app/uploads/2022/04/2004-Custom-made-heat-exchangers-with-cows-2-1800x941.png)
In those 25 years, we saw all corners of the world. We have met many inspiring people and had the opportunity to work on the most extraordinary projects. Although our services and product scope have expanded considerably over the years, we remain a niche company in the industry with in-depth, focused expertise in the field of heat transfer. We look back on a stable development and growth within Kapp, in a world where a lot has changed.
![2005 Vahterus sales meeting 1](https://www.kapp.nl/app/uploads/2022/04/2005-Vahterus-sales-meeting-1-1800x941.png)
![2006 Wintersport in Austria 1](https://www.kapp.nl/app/uploads/2022/04/2006-Wintersport-in-Austria-1-1800x941.png)
Technologies are constantly changing radically. The technology of a heat exchanger, on the other hand, is just as mature and basic as that of a windscreen wiper. However, this never stopped us from inventing and refining new and innovative state-of-the-art approaches. The application of the heat exchanger is the crux of the matter. The constant challenge lies in continuing to improve a process that has been in existence for over a hundred years.
![2013 Assembling a huge heat exchanger 1](https://www.kapp.nl/app/uploads/2022/04/2013-Assembling-a-huge-heat-exchanger-1-1800x941.png)
![2013 Some off road fun with the team 2](https://www.kapp.nl/app/uploads/2022/04/2013-Some-off-road-fun-with-the-team-2-1800x941.png)
The fluctuating supply and demand of the industry regularly caused us headaches. But above all, it offered us great opportunities. If one market was in a slump, we could use our products and services in another industry. We decided to embrace this challenge and make it our strength. It is companies that work in a differentiated market that can apply the experience they gain along the way to future challenges. By using our knowledge and experience every day, we have become what we are today: one of the most creative heat transfer engineers in the world.
![2015 Swim to fight cancer 1](https://www.kapp.nl/app/uploads/2022/04/2015-Swim-to-fight-cancer-1-1800x941.png)
![2018 Moving into our current office 2](https://www.kapp.nl/app/uploads/2022/04/2018-Moving-into-our-current-office-2-1800x941.png)
And last but not least; climate change. Heat transfer is by definition a sustainable process. In this sense, we were far ahead of our time; when Kapp started in 1997, sustainability was an unknown concept. Nevertheless, we have been making our contribution to a cleaner world ever since. And we are proud of that.
![2019 Heat Exchanger with more than 2900 tubes 2](https://www.kapp.nl/app/uploads/2022/04/2019-Heat-Exchanger-with-more-than-2900-tubes-2-1800x941.png)
This month, we are celebrating our silver jubilee. That is quite an accomplishment, and we could never have achieved it without the efforts of countless people. Words are not enough to express how grateful we are. Customers, partners, (former) employees and their families, ambassadors and everyone who is involved with Kapp in any way; a huge thank you goes out to all of you. On to the next 25 years!